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Most Frequently asked Questions
What is the rate of interest charged?
Can Partial Payments be made?
My EMI payment failed but it got debited from my account? What shall I do now?
What are the various reasons by which a loan application can get rejected?
How can I delete my data from Ring?
View all 10
Loan Application Documentation FAQs
What are the minimum documents required for loan approval?
What other documents may be required basis my profile?
Is Income Proof like a Bank Statement necessary for availing loan?
Is there a requirement of security/guarantor?
If I do not possess a PAN Card and have never applied for it, can I still avail loan from Ring?
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Processing Fee & Interest FAQs
What does processing fee mean?
Is the processing fee same for all types of products?
There are many loan companies and everyone has a different processing fee. What is the reason for this difference?
What is the rate of interest charged?
EMI Payments FAQs
What is an EMI?
How can I make my EMI payments?
Can Partial Payments be made?
What will be my EMI amount?
How will I be intimated about upcoming EMI payments?
View all 13
Loan Application Status FAQs
How do I check the status of my loan application?
What is the process for loan approval?
Are there any hidden charges that I should be aware of?
What are the various reasons by which a loan application can get rejected?
What can I do if my loan application is cancelled/rejected due to non-eligibility?
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Loan Foreclosure FAQs
Can I pre-pay all my monthly installments/EMI?
Can I foreclose my loan?
Are there any charges for foreclosing my loan?
What are the steps to foreclose my loan?
How to foreclose my loan if it is financed by other financing partners of Ring?
Loan Cancellation FAQs
Can I cancel my loan transaction when it is yet to get approved? If yes, how?
Can I cancel my loan transaction after it is approved and disbursed? If yes, how?
What is Cooling off period?
How can I avail Cooling-off period?
Penal Charges FAQs
What are the charges for EMI Auto-Debit Bounce?
What are the charges for late payment of EMI?
Collection Reminders FAQs
What if I fail to make payment of my outstanding loan amount? How will you contact me for payment reminders?
Are my family members responsible to make payment on my behalf if I fail to make payment?
Do your collections agents communicate over Personal WhatsApp or Personal Mobile Numbers calls with customers?
Other General FAQs
Can customers obtain Fair Practices Code, Loan Agreement, Sanction Letter and other loan-related documents in vernacular language?
How to change the bank details on my ECS mandate?
How do I file a complaint with Ring?
What if I am not satisfied with the response provided by the Customer Service Desk?
Who are the financing partners of Ring?
Credit Score FAQs
Do you access my Credit Score?
What are the different Credit Bureaus that you report my loan data to?
By what name will my Ring loan appear in my Credit Report?
How can I possibly enhance my Loan/Credit Limit?
How is my Credit Score connected to the loan that I avail on Ring?
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Privacy & Security FAQs
Can members of my family or my friends call Ring and get information on my existing loans?
Is it Safe to link my bank account for Income Verification on the Ring App?
Where can I read the Privacy Policy or Report concerns related to Privacy?
How can I delete my data from Ring?
Fraud Safeguard FAQs
How to report Fraud cases?
How to identify & avoid potential Loan Frauds?
What necessary measures do we take to keep you and your information protected?
How can Fraud take place?
How to Protect yourself?
E-Mandate FAQs
What is an e-mandate registration?
How does an e-Mandate work?
What is the limit of E-Mandate?
How long does the e-mandate process take?
Does e-mandate cost money?
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E-Mandate: User Guide
Posted by
Mukul Dwivedi
5 months ago
Last Reply
by Mukul Dwivedi
5 months ago
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