The loans you have availed can be reported to the Credit Bureaus only by the respective NBFC that has financed your loan; hence, the name of the respective NBFC will reflect on your credit report. If you have availed a loan that is 100% financed by us, the loan will appear in your credit report under the name "Si Creva Capital Services Private Limited." If you have availed a loan that is financed jointly by ‘Si Creva Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.’ and one of its lending partners, your loan amount will be reported in your credit report by both lenders according to the respective share of the loan amount each lending partner provided. The list of our lending partners can be viewed here Click here. You are also informed about the name of the financing NBFC/Bank at the time of the loan application in the Ring App, and this information is also provided to you via the Sanction Letter & Agreement sent to you at the time of the loan application.